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"Fighting Words!": Whitney

I hate Whitney Cummings. I don’t even know this woman and I cant stand her. Or her new show. Yes, a new show that has yet to even air has managed to garner such rage from me I had to make a new segment on my site just so I can bitch about it. There have been stupid ass billboards all over the city and not one of them has made me want to sit down and dedicate even half an hour of my life to watching what this smarmy bitch has to say about life, love, or relationships. So what the hell is this show about?

“NBC's new multi-camera comedy "Whitney" is a hilarious look at modern day love, which centers around Whitney and Alex, a happily unmarried couple. Together for three years, the duo is in no rush to get hitched, which seems to get a mixed response from their friends.”

Holy shit! I had no idea that’s what the show was about! If I had known that I wouldn’t have done this article. I mean, a show about a couple that isn’t getting along and then hilarity ensues?! I can barely finish typing on account of the amount of laughter that keeps coming from my mouth! She’s already defending her show. But not the goddamn billboards.

"Thanks to Twitter and damn internet comments sections, I feel like I've been spending more time defending the show than celebrating it," Whitney wrote. "Basically, some people seem really stressed out about the fact that the show is multi-camera with a live studio audience. People think it has a 'laugh track' which is f**king wrong. We shot it with a live in-studio audience so what you are hearing is real laughs from real people in the real audience."

How could anyone think laughter from a show that has an image like this not funny? Men put on deodorant and women put makeup on! Oh, god! I cant stop laughing! In regards to her comment about not being able to celebrate her abortion, uh, new show because of internet comments…IT’S THE INTERNET!!! You know what the internet is for? Porn. Stalking. Shopping. Porn. Complaining. Bullying. Lying. And Porn. Stay off comment sections.

I have spoken.

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