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Weekly Wrap Up 9/1

Well, well, well here is September.  Happy Spring to those in the southern hemisphere, and happy -'unofficial' fall to my northern friends.  It seems that Labor Day here in the U.S. is kind of considered the last hoorah for summer.  Fall will be here in a few short weeks.

Weather has been all over the place this week.  Hot, cool, chilly, rain, storms, dry and sun, humid and wonderful!
The mosquitos are horrid.  I look like I am bundled for winter when I go out back in the evening.  They just attack like crazy!  UGH
All the birds (every type) are going crazy eating up everything in sight.  I have had a racoon in the yard this week (not happy about that - it was big), opossums and the ground hog was seen the first of the week.   Squirrels and birds of course and butterflies every where.  Hummies are still drinking away too.  Spiders and spider webs are every where you step!!!  My goodness you have to really be aware of the webs.   It is a regular Eden out there!

Kind of a quiet week.
  • I went to my sisters last Sunday for a sibling dinner.  That was super nice
  • She sent leftovers home with me!
  • I got around to cutting the 2nd cantaloupe I bought last week.  Yum, just as good as the first
  • Cleaned under the frig!!!!    Aaaaackkk - what a furry, dusty mess!  Me, the vacuum hose and a yardstick and rag.  Nothing like laying on your belly and trying to see under it!  At least I had a good flashlight!
  • Had enough rain, that I didn't have to water anything.
  • Used all leftovers I had in new ways.
  • Mowed and managed to get a ton of yardwork done on decent days!  So much more to do
  • Ran to Kroger  and got the weekend special of American cheese for 1.49 pack.  I got 3 as that will last me ages.  I also bought 3 packs of Eckrich thick cut bologna for $1 each.  I know - but I like it.  That is all I got there.
  • Went to Aldi - haven't been in ages.  Found that the few things I wanted actually went down in price.  YAY!  
  • Picked a few tomatoes and a couple peppers
  • Doing all the normal stuff
  • Got all the grapes picked and in freezer till this week (for jelly)
  • Have managed to have AC off for a few days this week and windows open
Meals this week:
Dinner at sisters
Fried chicken breast, 2 biscuits and gravy, and sliced tomato (most from sis)
Steak burger and sliced tomato and cucumber and hard boiled eggs (eggs from sis)
Refried bean/salsa/cheese quesadilla
Fresh veggie chunks with ranch dressing and cheese slices
Small homemade meaty-spicy pizza 
Tostadas (mixed pizza topping and leftover refried beans) over cheese w/salsa (birds & squirrels got the crust from extra pizza)

Have eaten a lot of cantaloupe this week!  SO fresh and juicy.
*If you can't tell - I like anything that is in some way Mexican!!!  I could eat Mexican food everyday!

So as you can tell - it has been quiet here.  I just plod away day by day - doing what needs to be done.  I need to get back to doing more than JUST enough.  The holidays are coming up and I need to get busy doing some canning (for my baskets), making up jar mixes and possibly some crafts and sewing.  I hope I get the oomph I need to get it done.  It may even bring me some joy - just getting back to it!!!!  I will think about the smiles the goodies I make will bring!

How was your week?  Did you take advantage of any good deals?  How are the gardens doing?
I hope you all have a great Labor Day and time with family and friends.

May you all stay safe and healthy and frugal this coming week.  Enjoy each and every day the Lord puts in front of you.
Blessings from my humble little home to yours!

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