If you don't know the story, here are the basics. First of all, remember Frankenstein is the doctor that created the monster. Many people mistakenly believe that the monster is Frankenstein. Victor Frankenstein is a talented scientist and becomes obsessed with creating a living being from parts of other beings. He finally brings life to this hideous creature, who he then allows to escape (one of the fallacies of this plot, but just let it go.)
The reader gets the perspective of the creature, as he struggles to survive and become a part of society. No way that's going to happen, because he's too hideous. He reveals himself to a blind man and is just about successful, but no, we can't allow that to happen or we wouldn't have a story. We also get the perspective of Frankenstein as he realizes this creature is wreaking havoc and is out to get Frankenstein and steal away everything dear to him.
Shelley does a good job of building tension and also sympathy. But at the same time, I thought Frankenstein (the character) was really stupid at times. And some of the monster's evolution was a bit far-fetched (Of course. I get that is to be expected), and his abrupt change of heart at the end was not very credible. Frankenstein's evolution, however, is what makes the story a classic, I think. His abject misery and eventual breakdown are utterly heartbreaking.
It sounds like I didn't enjoy Frankenstein, however, I did. With all it's plot holes and suspension of belief, I appreciated the feelings evoked and all the trials and tribulations associated with the story. Shelley is good at creating an atmosphere that gives you chills. It's a classic and worth the read.
Published by Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor & Jones, 1818
eBook obtained from Serial Reader
280 pages
Rating: 3.5/5

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