Reading blogs can make you feel like you know a family. Recently, I was listening to a radio show and the co-author of the book written with Jonathan Witt of Wittingshire was being interviewed. I felt an unsual recognition, as if someone I'd been introduced to before in real life was talking. After listening to the interview, I knew I had to get their book for someone I know for Christmas.
I absolutely love this post from The Common Room. My daughter and I have spent a lot of time talking about the lifestyles we have chosen and how so many people (even Christians) don't understand. I will have her read this to see we are not alone. Most of our decisions are the same although my daughter does not have TV in her home in New England and I do have Direct TV (living where we do in the country, it really is a case of all or nothing with TV choices). We have it for Chicago sports and current events. Okay, I admit...I enjoy Paula's Home Cooking, too. Do catch the above post at The Common Room, it is wonderful. My prayer continue to go out to the family as they recover from a traffic accident.
Last night, my daughter and I were able to get away to Starbucks for about an hour, leaving the children with Granddad (he immediately went to bed when we arrived home, hehehe). It was fun to sip lattes and chat about what is going on at each of our churches we attend and try to catch up a bit on books read and such. I was telling her how I often wonder what it would have been like to have been raised in a Christian home and environment (the subject came up as she was telling me most in her church are first generation Christians). We chatted about Elisabeth Elliot and her book, Shaping of a Christian Family. I had given her our hardback copy and I recently found it at a library sale in paperback and reread it for the third or fourth time. Such an amazing family! No wonder she writes with such wisdom.
I hope you like the picture, it looks just like one of my cats and I loved the way this kitty had made herself at home on a desk among papers and such. Mine would have done just the same. I couldn't find this particular cat today. Finally, I realized the striped lump on top of a throw on the sofa was her. She blended in so well, I didn't see her and she didn't move when I'd been calling her name. Such is life with cats.
Photo: After Hours by Janet Kruskamp from Allposters.com
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