All wealth comes from taking a natural resource from the earth and doing something to increase its value...this is known in economics as production. Services nor government create wealth...they just spread around the wealth created by those who work in production. When the wealth being created is less than what is required to support the overall population one or maybe all of three things must happen...government must borrow money, print more money, or raise taxes on those who are producing the wealth. You see this in action right now. It is a no win situation for any society that lets itself get into this economic situation.
Borrowing money just compounds the fiscal problems of a country...the yearly interest payments take an ever increasing bite out of the available revenue. Printing more money can only eventually cause inflation because it takes more money to buy the same product. And raising taxes? Why do you think that there are fewer people working in production? When business is not allowed to keep enough of their production due to taxes and government regulation they do what they have to do to survive or close the doors...and moving off shore is how many are surviving.
The republic is doomed unless the public wakes up.
And in any event it is a sad when there are more government employees in a country than employees who work creating wealth.
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