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River of Terror! One Hour Skirmish Wargame

I had a day of hobby-ing last weekend while my wife finished her Yoga instructor certification.  She passed with flying colors and put a lot of work into this, I am very proud of her!

I did quit a bit of painting and checked off several boxes on my Hobby Bingo card, more on that in a future post.  I also managed to get in a game of One Hour Skirmish Wargames, I played a scenario I put together called River of Terror, you can find the detail here on my One Hour Skirmish Wargames page.

Here is a summary of the fight...

The cultists have blocked the river with canoes chained together so they can ambush the Miskatonic Queen.   

Soon Deep Ones begin emerging from the murky depths to attack the expedition.

Dr. Morgan faces off with a Deep One, this is worse than when he had to teach Freshman level Demonoloy. It does not turn out well for him.

Meanwhile on the other side of the boat, one of the crewmen shoot deep ones in a barrel with his trusty Chicago piano

Dr. Morgan managed to kill one of the Deep Ones, but fell prey to another, who began to rampage along the deck, even gravely wounding Captain Stuebing!

The abomination was finally stopped by two plucky sailors, who wounded the beast and then dispatched it in close combat.

While all of this was going on, the cultists on the shore and the expedition members on the top deck traded completely in effective fire (and that went on the entire game.)  Meanwhile, Professor Rice jumps on the barricade and makes his way to the shore, under a hail of fire, to free the boat. A cultist levels a MP-18 at him just as he gets to the end... but a lucky turn of the Joker saves him. 

He manages to free loosen the chain and sprint back to the Queen, which starts to chug forward.

The party is not wholly out of danger, as a few more Deep Ones jup on the deck. 

But the next draw of the Joker sees the cultists morale fail miserably... the deep ones slink back to the depths and the cultists try to figure out how they will explain their failure to their boss.

A very fun game, I am still hooked on the rules.  You should give them a shot!
next time, I will provide some hobby bingo update, meanwhile off to the beach this weekend with the kids and grandkids.  Good gaming!

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