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Walk in the Park and a Flock of Triangles

Last night I finished up my Denyse Schmidt Flock of Triangles quilt top! I improved my bias sewing as I went (and used my trusty pins more) and I am loving how it turned out! It is quilt number 110 (I number them all now) but the next quilt was one of my UFO's...some of you readers may remember this quilt, number 53, which I started in Wisconsin years ago and never finished due to the applique. Almost a year ago I asked my readers to vote on which UFO I should complete by this July and this one won the vote. (Ironically I finished one of the other ones before this one, and have only one UFO to go!) So I cheated but it is done...I pieced the top together without appliquing it (I tried about four times to applique it and ripped out every time dissatisfied) and begged Ros to quilt it the best she could.
Ros did a great job going around the applique pieces and then quilted a pretty flower pattern elsewhere. So my Quilter's Home Walk in the Park quilt is done! Sorry it took me so long Mark! I love it!
I have also been knitting...I am still a beginner at this but after watching my DVD and some awesome stuff online I finished this dishrag that Becky helped me start. It is a bit asymetrical, but it will work to wash my dishes.

Next I did another in the same colors and it is better. So yesterday I worked on one in the yellow, orange and white and am even happier with that one. I then started a scrubbie and after some ripping out and restarting it is taking shape! Becky told me to check out knittinghelp.com and it has a ton of good stuff...and I found a link to a step by step sock tutorial, so I may just try that next!

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